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LIU Brooklyn Student Recognized for Opioid Research Project

Alpha Chi National Honors Society has highlighted the compelling work of Jung Kim, an LIU Brooklyn biology major with a minor in English who...

LIU Brooklyn Student Emily-Anna Barba Represents Japan at Model UN Environmental Conference

Before coming to LIU Brooklyn, Emily-Anna Barba had never been to Japan. Now, she’s preparing to represent Japan. In early January, the President of LIU Brooklyn’s...

Brooklyn Paramount organ to be featured in final concert before renovation

One of the true treasures of LIU Brooklyn will be on display once more, when the one-ton Wurlitzer organ in the Paramount Gym –...

LIU Brooklyn Professor Helps Star Athletes Win Big

LIU Brooklyn assistant professor Tony Ricci hasn’t exactly “gotten away from it all” this summer. In fact, some of his biggest moments in recent...

LIU Brooklyn featured in Brooklyn Eagle Op-Ed Urging Solutions to Homelessness

The Brooklyn Eagle published an op-ed September 8 written by Dr. Helisse Levine, Director of the MPA program at LIU Brooklyn, Dr. Edgar Troudt,...

School of Health Professions Marks its Ninth Year of Fitness for Parkinson’s

School of Health Professions Marks its Ninth Year of Fitness for Parkinson's The School of Health Professions is celebrating its ninth successful year offering the...

LIU Brooklyn Professor’s Research on Swearing Commands International Attention

If you’ve ever found yourself frustrated when attempting a difficult lift at the gym, don’t be embarrassed about swearing. In fact, it might even help. That’s...

LIU Global Students Win Awards and Recognition in Rome

LIU Global students spending the spring semester in Italy came away with two noteworthy achievements at the recent Rome International Careers Festival, a four-day...

LIU Brooklyn Student Earns 2nd place in Research Competition

LIU Brooklyn Exercise Physiology student Gina Stees earned a 2nd place finish at the Greater New York ACSM conference student research competition. In a study...

LIU Brooklyn MBA Student Cooks Up a Sustainable Business Plan for India

LIU Brooklyn MBA student Nikhil Pawar represented the University with distinction in the New York State Business Plan Competition, advancing to the statewide finals...

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