LIU Post’s Palmer School Awarded Prestigious iSchool Designation


LIU Post’s Palmer School Awarded Prestigious iSchool Designation

LIU Post becomes first New York Metropolitan area member of iSchool Consortium, joining University of California, Berkley, Penn State and Carnegie Mellon

BROOKVILLE, N.Y.–Long Island University’s prestigious Palmer School of Library and Information Sciences was recently admitted to the elite community of iSchools, an international consortium of prominent information schools with robust research traditions and well-established Ph.D. programs.  The organization promotes high-level research and higher education in the information disciplines.  Being part of this prestigious consortium is an honor shared with leading information schools around the world, including University of California, Berkley, Penn State and Carnegie Mellon.

“LIU’s Palmer School is honored to be a part of the prestigious iSchools consortium,” said Dr. Kimberly R. Cline, President of LIU. “As a member of iSchools our Palmer School students and alumni will have access to expanded opportunities in the global information industry, where they have already proven to be leaders in the field.”

One of the primary benefits is the close participation with other leading programs around the globe and the possibility of research and study collaborations that would benefit students, faculty and the greater LIU community.  The Palmer School is the only institution in metropolitan New York City with full tiered membership in the organization signifying its evolving emphasis in information studies.   Full membership requires an outstanding record of scholarship, a mature Ph.D. program, and significant external funding.

The Palmer School is a recognized leader in information and library science and is one of just 62 schools accredited by the American Library Association.  It also offers the only Ph.D. program in Information Studies in the New York metropolitan area and is looking forward to celebrating the 20-year anniversary of the program this coming Fall.

Once a year, the iSchools hold their international iConference, consisting of scores of papers related to information-related research, covering topics from information seeking behavior, to the economics of information, information ethics, information retrieval, applications of big data, social implications of the internet and other technologies, and knowledge organization.  The iConference has a unique emphasis on promoting a collective understanding of the evolving field of information studies.

Dr. Thomas D. Walker, Associate Dean of the College of Education, Information, and Technology and the Director of LIU’s Palmer School of Library and Information Science attended the most recent iConference in Wuhan, China.  He said, “Actively contributing to the iSchools’ annual iConference is a tangible way for the Palmer School and extended LIU community to be involved in international discussions of information studies research and education. The Palmer School is already playing a leadership role in related developments in the New York City area and through our inclusion in the iSchools consortium, we look forward to working with an expanded network to place LIU at the forefront of the evolving, 21st-century information culture.”