Phi Lambda Sigma Matches First-Year Students With Mentors at Big Little Reveal Party


On September 27, LIU Pharmacy’s chapter of the Phi Lambda Sigma pharmacy honor society began its annual “Big/Little” mentorship program with a Reveal Party in the Paramount Gym on the LIU Brooklyn campus. A total of 100 students from LIU Pharmacy’s P3 class were matched with mentors from the P4-P6 classes.

P3 students and their mentors were paired using a survey that gathered information about backgrounds, desired career paths and hobbies. The information from the survey was used to match P3 students with upperclassmen based on common interests. The bonds formed through Phi Lambda Sigma’s mentorship program often grow into lifelong friendships, and mentors become a resource for guidance not only at LIU, but throughout graduates’ pharmacy careers.

As part of 2017’s festivities, “Bigs” received LIU Brooklyn t-shirts, and bought additional shirts as gifts for their new “Littles.” All proceeds from shirt sales were donated to Big Brothers and Big Sisters of America, helping to support the bonds of mentorship in communities across the country.