LIU Post Student Journalists Win Coveted Folio Awards


Two LIU Post students and one alumnus are among the winners of the 2018 Fair Media Council Folio Awards in Journalism.

Jackie Escobar, a freshman HEOP student and staff writer for The Pioneer, won a Folio Award for her Pioneer feature story: “To Counter Prejudice? Excellence is the Answer: Overcoming the Labels.”  Kristina Huderski, a senior broadcasting major and journalism minor who is the features editor of The Pioneer, won a Folio Award for her Pioneer feature story: “Dance Student Takes on Broadway.”

Kristina Huderski, Folio award winner.

And Jennifer Shepardson (a recent graduate) was recognized with two Folio awards for work done during her internship last year with Waldo Cabrera at MYLITV: “Ride on the Beach and Go Inside the Fire Island School” and “How an Ice Rink is Made.”

“On behalf of the Fair Media Council Board of Directors and the judges, congratulations to this year’s Folio winners, representing the best in local news and social media,” said Jaci Clement, CEO and Executive Director of the Fair Media Council. “The entries were outstanding works of journalism, telling stories that matter and providing the public with the news and information they need to know.”

The awards ceremony takes place on Wednesday, March 21, at The Garden City Hotel. The New York Times’ White House Correspondent and CNN Political Analyst Maggie Habermas is slated to be the keynote speaker at the luncheon, which is the largest media event on Long Island.